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Clinical Qigong Therapy & Taoist Medicine

Clinical Qigong (Wai Qi Liao fa/外氣療法) also known as “Needle-less Acupuncture” is an ancient form of Chinese energetic therapeutics.

Centuries ago the Qigong Masters found that there is Qi (vital energy) flowing throughout the meridians, the energetic pathways of the body. The energetic system is one of the many systems within the human body, others being circulatory, nervous, endocrine etc.


When this energy is flowing well, there is balance, and the individual enjoys inner peace, joy and vitality. When there are blockages in any of these pathways then the energy flow is disrupted, this can lead to physical and mental health issues.


Qi is like water, if a stream becomes blocked and stagnates, it can cause problems. This can be resolved by restoring the waters natural flow. The energy pathways of the body can become blocked due to a variety of reasons such as injuries, poor diet and lifestyle choices.


Clinical Qigong Therapy can restore the flow of energy back into balance (homeostasis). So just like the natural cycles, how the sun rises each morning and sets each evening, we too can be in harmony with the natural rhythm of the universe and enjoy a harmonious life full of vitality, joy and inner peace.

Clinical Qigong Wai Qi Liao fa 外氣療法

Taoist Neuro-Energetic Qigong Bodywork

Chinese Taoist Neuro-Energetic Qigong Bodywork also known as Dao Yi 道醫/Taoist Medicine is an advanced form of Clinical Qigong Therapy.

In some way the human body is like a tree, but upside down. The root is the brain and spinal cord, the branches are the nerves that branch out from the spine and the leaves are the organs. If a tree has problems at the root (brain and spinal cord) then the branches (nerves branching out from the spine) and leaves (organs) will suffer.

The Qigong therapist works on the client's neuro-energetic system through the nerve synapses along the spine, correcting each energetic imbalance found in the entire body.

Throughout history the Taoist Neuro-Energetic Qigong Bodywork was a closely guarded secret. Other than the Taoists passing it down through their family for generations, it was not disclosed to the public. It was once reserved only for the Emperor and the Imperial family while Traditional Chinese Medicine (Zhongyi 中醫) was utilised by the common folk.

Dao Yi 道醫 Taoist Medicine

What is a Clinical Qigong Therapy and Neuro-Energetic Qigong Bodywork session like?

The session begins with a consultation to understand your main complaint and your general health.

The client then lays face down on the massage bed (fully clothed) as the Qigong therapist starts to work. The therapist will be using light touch and complete off body as they work with the Chinese energetic anatomy. At the end of the session we shall review the outcome and whether further work is necessary.

Clients generally find the sessions relaxing and rejuvenating, although sometimes the clients may become aware of emotions that have been suppressed coming to the surface to be released.

In the hospitals of China, after the session the Qigong therapist would teach self-healing practices to continue reaping the benefits from the session and to enjoy good health. The client will be given the relevant information if they wish to go down that path.

Distance sessions (worldwide) are available for those unable to attend the Qi clinic. 

Energy Healing

Benefits and conditions that clients found relief from:


  • Sense of good health, vitality and joy in daily life
  • Emotional and spiritual balance, and a fresh sense of life’s direction  

  • Relief from stress, anxiety and depression

  • Pain relief: Nerve, Acute and Chronic, Musculoskeletal & Neuromuscular

  • Back pain

  • Sciatica

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Arthritis

  • Fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Females health issues

  • Qi Deviation Syndrome

What makes the Hu Yaozhen Qi Clinic one of the leading Qi Clinics in the field of Clinical Qigong? 

During the 20th century Hu Yaozhen helped coin up the term “Qigong” and “Yigong” (Medical/Clinical Qigong), and then opened the very first Clinical Qigong Healing Hospital in Beijing, China.


Then Wang Juemin carried on the work at his 100 bed Baoding Qigong Hospital.


Michael Lomax trained under Master Wang at the Baoding Qigong Hospital and was asked to transmit the art of Qigong to the West.


Teacher Michael Lomax established the Institute of Chinese Energy Healing to bring this magnificent art to the modern world.


Three generations on Grandmaster Hu’s legacy thrives through the work of the Hu Yaozhen Qi Clinic.

In the 20th century Dr Vincent Graef a neurosurgeon from USA was the first outsider to be taught the Chinese Taoist Neuro-Energetic Qigong Bodywork.


Today we have a rare handful of people practising this form of therapeutics.

The High Level Method utilised in both live and distance Clinical Qigong stems from the Golden Summit Monastery, at the very top of Mount Emei, one of the four sacred mountains of China. Hence the name "High Level Treatment". 
This very special and rare method allows the Qigong Therapist to see the imbalances, holes, sick Qi (stagnant energy) and blockages in the energy body. Then the Therapist will attempt to remove the sick Qi and balance the whole energy body in a way that it should be in a healthy person. 
Qigong Healing UK

Golden Summit Monastery, at the very top of Mount Emei, one of the four sacred mountains of China.

What is the difference between High Level Qigong and Low Level Qigong?

In Low Level Qigong the practitioner focuses on the physical body.

In Mid Level Qigong the practitioner works on the body and mind. 

In High Level Qigong the practitioner not only works with the body (meridians, skin, muscle, tendon, organ, bone, bone marrow, nervous system, cell and DNA levels) and emotions/mind but on the level of the Tao. It is on this level where the roots of all health issues are found. 

In High level the person is helped to find and achieve their Way or Tao.

Just as in nature, everything has it's natural rhythm and purpose, High Level Qigong helps the person find and become their "real self" so they too can live harmoniously with the natural rhythm of life.

What does it take to run a full time Qi Clinic?

The path of the Qigong Teacher and Healer

To maintain a high standard the practitioner goes through 5 hours of daily Neigong practice, running qigong, sleeping qigong, dreaming qigong and rejuvenation qigong upon waking.  


The goal is to maintain a 24/7 practice, this is one of the secrets behind the high level results attained in class and clinic.

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